First B-Trust Masterclass: A Successful Start to Building Consumer Trust in Biotech

octubre 10, 2024 admin Comments Off

The first B-Trust Masterclass, held on October 8th, kicked off our series focused on fostering consumer acceptance of innovative biotechnologies in the agri-food and biobased sectors. Attendees gained valuable insights into the critical role consumer perceptions play in shaping the future of biotechnology.

We were honoured to host Prof. Jessica Aschemann-Witzel (Aarhus University), Dr. Laurien Van Dyck (VIB), Anna De Cock (Paleo), and Veerle Rijckaert & Charlotte Boone (Alice Down the Rabbit Hole) as speakers. Each of them shared their experiences and methodologies on integrating stakeholder concerns into R&D, co-creating solutions, and building trust with consumers.

For those who couldn’t attend or wish to revisit the session, the recording and all supporting materials are now available through the B-Trust forum. Simply register on the forum to access these resources.📝

Register today to access the full session and continue exploring how we can bridge the trust gap in biotechnology!

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